News & Events

BOGA at SIDS4: SIDS Leadership on a Global Just Transition from Fossil Fuels

Join us on Tuesday 28 May 2024 at the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) to discuss how efforts to deliver the outcomes of COP28 – including the first-ever global agreement to transition away from fossil fuels in line with 1.5C – will transform the global context for SIDS and for accelerated, sustainable growth over the next ten years.

The Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance release a joint call to action at COP28

In the final days of COP28 in Dubai, members of the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance released a Ministerial Call to Action, stressing the need to secure a deal that addresses the phase-out of fossil fuels. The Call was presented in a press conference on 11 December, as parties waited for the next iteration of the Global Stocktake text.

At COP28, BOGA announces new members, first grants under BOGA’s Fund

At the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) hosted its second annual Ministerial meeting with Al Gore offering closing remarks, and hosted a press conference welcoming Spain, Samoa and Kenya as members and confirming the first $1 million in funding under BOGA’s Fund.

The Marshall Islands joins BOGA at the UN Climate Action Summit

On Wednesday 20th September, at the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit, the Republic of the Marshall Islands became a Core Member of the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance. The RMI is the founder and convenor of the High Ambition Coalition, a group of countries that play a pivotal role in promoting climate ambition and bringing together countries to act to keep global temperature rises below 1.5 °C, as committed to by all governments in the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement.

BOGA at New York Climate Action Week: Subnational Leadership on the Phase Out of Oil and Gas

On Tuesday 19 September, on the eve of the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit, BOGA convened leaders to discuss the importance of subnational and non-state action on the managed phaseout of oil and gas. Hosted by the Quebec Government in New York, participants in dialogue on Subnational Leadership on the Phaseout of Oil and Gas discussed the overwhelming business case for a just transition away from oil and gas, and the opportunities that a ‘beyond’ oil and gas economy can provide for jobs, affordable energy, and healthier societies.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Al Gore, former US Vice President
  • Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington State
  • Yana Garcia, Secretary for Environmental Protection, California
  • Francois Legault, Premier, Quebec
  • Catherine McKenna, Founder and Principal of Climate and Nature Solutions, and Chair of the UN High-Level Expert Group on Net-Zero Commitments of Non-State Actor

At COP27, BOGA announces support fund for oil and gas phase out

At the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA), co-chaired by Costa Rica and Denmark, welcomed the new members and commended existing countries for implementing concrete policies to advance their pledges.

BOGA at COP27: ‘Moving Beyond Oil and Gas – Leadership for a Managed, Just Phase-out of Oil and Gas Production’

One year on from its launch, BOGA is bringing together members, friends, and leaders from across the international community at COP27. This UNFCCC side event will provide an update on BOGA’s progress and explore the role that a managed phase-out of oil and gas production can play in climate, energy, and economic security, and an orderly, just transition. Join us on Wednesday 16 November, from 13:15 to 14:45 Egyptian Standard Time.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Dan Jørgensen, Minister of Climate and Energy and Public Utilities, Denmark
  • Laurence Tubiana, CEO, European Climate Foundation
  • Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment, Quebec
  • Romina Pourmokhtari, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden
  • Duarte Cordeiro, Minister for the Environment and Climate Action, Portugal
  • Stephane Crouzat, Climate Ambassador, France
  • Jay Inslee, Governor, Washington State
  • Diego Pardow Lorenzo, Minister for Energy, Chile
  • Eamon Ryan, Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications, Ireland
  • Satyendra Prasad, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Fiji to the UN
  • Ali D. Mohammed, Senior Advisor, Climate Change, Office of the President, Kenya
  • Christie Ulman, President, Sequoia Climate Foundation

Join in person, Room 5 (Memphis), Blue Zone (UNFCCC accreditation required) or watch online on the UNFCCC Secretariat livestream (open to all, no registration required).

In the face of the energy crisis, the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance reiterates call for a managed phase-out of oil and gas production 

Alongside the UN General Assembly meeting in New York, the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) called for an acceleration in the transition away from fossil fuel dependency, and for a massive increase in energy efficiency and renewable energy investment, to deliver long-term climate and energy security.

Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance Announces Siân Bradley as First Head of Secretariat

The Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) today announced Siân Bradley, senior research fellow in the Environment and Society Programme at Chatham House, as its inaugural head of secretariat.

At COP26, 11 National and Subnational Governments Launch The Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance

New global alliance will seek a managed phase-out of oil and gas production to align with Paris Agreement goals.

Media Coverage


2024 Must Be the Year for Exponential Climate Action

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Energy Monitor

Anti-oil and gas alliance strengthens as COP28 negotiations falter.

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Carbon Pulse

COP28: New funds announced to help Global South transition away from fossil fuels

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Climate Change News


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Denmark, Costa Rica seek alliance to speed up the end of oil and gas

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‘We need to stop’: Inside the world’s first diplomatic alliance to keep oil and gas in the ground

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Denmark and Costa Rica Want to Make a No Fossil Fuels Allowed Club

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Le Monde

At COP26, countries set the end of their oil and gas production for the first time

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COP26: Denmark and Costa Rica launch ambitious alliance to phase out oil and gas

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World-First Plan to End Fossil Fuels Announced at UN Climate Talks

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Business Green

Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance: Governments form landmark coalition to phase out oil and gas production

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COP26: New alliance commits to ending oil and gas extraction

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La Vanguardia

Glasgow launches an alliance to phase out oil and gas

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