Funding available for activities that support just transitions beyond oil and gas

Through the BOGA Fund, the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) is supporting Global South governments that are exploring alternative development pathways beyond oil and gas. BOGA is providing flexible, fast support for initial scoping projects, with the potential for follow-on funding to scale successful interventions.

About the fund

Promoting a just transition beyond oil and gas is central to BOGA’s mission. This includes delivering on commitments to phase out at home, and supporting Global South countries and regions that want to explore their options, and start planning for and working towards an orderly, just transition away from oil and gas. The fund was announced at COP27 with an initial US $10 million, with the aim of providing rapid, flexible support for such work. The first Call for Expressions of Interest ran from April to June 2024, and the first grants, to Kenya and Colombia, were announced at COP28.

In response to growing demand from producer country governments, an additional US $10 million was committed to the fund at the World Bank IMF Spring Meetings. With a combined US $20 million through 2023-2025, the fund will focus on supporting governments in developing their vision of a ‘beyond’ oil and gas economy, and the analysis, plans, policies, and technical assistance required to define and deliver this. The fund is intended to act as a catalyst, informing requests for larger-scale transition support, and supporting structural, long-term transitions away from oil and gas.

How to apply

The second Call for Expressions of Interest is now open and will run until 31 September 2024.

Global South national and sub-national governments that have oil and gas exploration and production, or the potential for it, are eligible to apply. Requests should be initiated by governments and developed and delivered through government-adjacent partners. While engagement with BOGA is encouraged, membership is not required to access the fund. For further information on the fund and the application process, please contact